Monday, September 1, 2008

Palin Fights Rumors, Announces that Her Daughter is Pregnant

The 17-year-old daughter of Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is pregnant, Palin said Monday in an announcement intended to knock down rumors by liberal bloggers that Palin faked her own pregnancy to cover up for her child.

read more | digg story

1 comment:

carrie55 said...

Sarah Pallin's pregnant daughter is now featured in profile in every family portrait. It may be appropriate for a mother to show love for her unwed pregnant teenager, but to vainly display her daughter's pregnancy in such a fashion is truly tasteless when she is such a poster child for bad behavior. What type of message does this send to teenage girls? I want a president with high moral standards with a family who also demonstrates the type of behavior we would like to see in our children. I would have some degree of respect for Sarah Pallin if she showed a shred of modesty about her daughter instead of shoving her out front with her pregnant belly displayed to the world as if it were just another fashion statement. Instead, I have no respect for her. Sarah Pallin is truly scary. Even scarier is that a national party nominated her. What does this say about John McCain? I hope and pray that we do not elect this manipulated model of moral degeneracy to the White House.