The "Queen Barracuda" Palin is demanding that ABC's Charlie Gibson meet with her in Alaska for the FIRST, virginal, interview - on her Alaskan turf. This is just more imperial Republican bullshit. In other words: The press is supposed to lick the boots of the candidate and be "deferential" and humble.
One wonders if the questions Palin is asked will be cherry-picked by her staff as well. Talking Points Memo is already calling the Palin interview a sham.
There is another good reason to boycott ABC News:
Remember the horrible "debate" that Gibson and George Step. moderated between Obama and Clinton?? The first 45 minutes of the debate was taken up with questions like: "Senator Obama, if you are really patriotic, why don't you wear an American flag lapel pin everyday?"
Oh, and more imperial Republican B.S.: Dick Cheney REALLY likes Palin!!!
Just don't watch the ABC interview!!
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