Wednesday, November 5, 2008
NY Times: Cheney & Bush rev up their Wrecking Balls
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Sunday, November 2, 2008
Vote-Flipping Diebold Machine Removed, Quarantined in CO
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Saturday, November 1, 2008
Nevada Voting Suggests Obama Victory at Hand
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Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Pew Poll: McCain Support Continues Downward Spiral
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Monday, October 27, 2008
Ashley Todd, PA Racist Hoax "Victim," Was Paid Employee
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Dozens Of Call Center Workers Walk Off Job In Protest Rather
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Saturday, October 25, 2008
Pennsylvania Republicans Send False Anti-Obama E-mail
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Friday, October 24, 2008
Foreclosure activity rises 70 percent
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Thursday, October 23, 2008
Arne Carlson, Former GOP Governor, Endorses Obama
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CC Goldwater: Why McCain Has Lost Our Vote
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Economy Crashes but War Profiteers Doing Fine
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Monday, October 20, 2008
McCain Hired GOP Operative Accused of Voter Reg Fraud
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The Charleston Gazette - West Virginia News and Sports - New
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California GOP had Same Voter Registration Problems as ACORN
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BREAKING: Head of GOP Voter Reg. Outift Arrested
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Saturday, October 18, 2008
Documentary Banned By the Bush Admin to be shown on PBS
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Friday, October 17, 2008
League Of Conservation Voters Gives McCain 0% Rating
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Thursday, October 16, 2008
Steering Committee 2 Seek Prosecution of Bush For War Crimes
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Monday, October 13, 2008
Duncan Hunter's son caught receiving donations for earmarks
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Sunday, October 12, 2008
Fox News' faux documentary sets new low - Los Angeles Times
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Saturday, October 11, 2008
Nixon Official and Reagan Friend Funded Ayers Charity work.
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Palin Charged Taxpayers $13k to Attend Her Church
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Thursday, October 9, 2008
House Finally Releases Plan for Carbon Cap and Trade
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FCC deepens probe into Pentagon TV analyst payola
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Republican Navy Rear Admiral Endorses Obama
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Federal Judge Orders 17 Guantánamo Detainees Freed
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Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Veterans of America Group Gives Mccain a "D"
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Breaking McCain's Back: Obama takes 6 point lead in Ohio
The state's voters, long suffering from a poor economy and newly battered by the turmoil in the financial, credit and housing markets, give Obama stronger marks on handling the economy, creating jobs and dealing with tax policy. The senator from Illinois also has a big lead as the candidate more in tune with the economic problems people are confronting, a significant benefit as more than half of all voters consider the economy and jobs the campaign's top issue.
Overall, among likely voters in the new poll, 51 percent said they would support Obama and his running mate, Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. (Del.), if the election were held today, while 45 percent said they would back McCain and his vice presidential nominee, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.
McCain has the edge on handling the U.S. fight against terrorism and, narrowly, the Iraq war, but those issues are far less important this year. Just 9 percent of voters call them their top issues.
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Obama Leading McCain in New Ohio, Pennsylvania, Minnesota
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Virginia: Obama 53% vs. McCain 43%
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Monday, October 6, 2008
McCain: Iraq Is ‘A Peaceful And Stable Country Now’
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Saturday, October 4, 2008
McCain aides quit over Burma ties
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Carl Bernstein: What the Palin-Biden Debate Really Told us
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GOP Congressman Retires Because GOP Is Corrupt
Tom Davis Gives Up
The Republican cloakroom of the House of Representatives is a strangely narrow room that bends around a corner and hardly seems like much of an antechamber for the barons of American politics. Members negotiate tight spaces between the furniture, stepping around one another to find an open seat to while away the breaks, maybe pick up a newspaper or chat with a colleague.
On a desultory afternoon last month, Representative Tom Davis cruised through the cloakroom on his way to the floor to manage a bill, a mobile telephone pressed to his ear as he waved me to follow. We entered the chamber where war, slavery and impeachment have been debated, and he headed to the lectern while I sat a couple rows back. Davis clicked his phone shut and addressed the mostly empty chamber: “Mr. Speaker, I rise to speak on H. R. 5683, the Government Accountability Office Act of 2008.”
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Friday, October 3, 2008
How Sarah Palin blew it - Joan Walsh -
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Lobbyist Hired by Freddie Mac to Work on McCain Is Now Senat
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Palin `Troopergate' Firing Probe Can Go Forward, Judge Says
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Wednesday, October 1, 2008
QUESTION: Alaska trooper tasers son & no charges files?
This story makes very little sense. And if Wooten has a history of abusing children, why would there be a custody battle in court? Wouldn't the children immediately go to the mother?
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
McCain's Attack on Veterans - Los Angeles Times
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Monday, September 29, 2008
The Plan to Steal the Next Election
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Sunday, September 28, 2008
Indiana Poll Location Changes: No Notice To Voters
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Voter Purging: Legal Way for Republicans to Swing Elections
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Freddie Mac Money Trail Catches Up With McCain
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S.E.C. Concedes Oversight Flaws Fueled Collapse
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Friday, September 26, 2008
Vice Pres. Palin; Witchcraft, Third Wave; Kenya; Videos, Transformations
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Palin under fire -- pastor waged a WITCH-HUNT!
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Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Networks Revolt Against Reporter-Blocking Palin UN Meeting
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Will Palin's pregnant daughter drop out of high school
And isn't someone dropping out of high school an early warning sign for future poverty and unemployment?
And is Palin's daughter setting a good example for other teenage girls who haven't graduated from high school?
Just asking these non theoretical questions...
BTW women and feminists please chime in..
Monday, September 22, 2008
Worst crisis since the Depression; NY Times reporters
See entire transcript and video:
BILL MOYERS: Welcome to the JOURNAL. The news this week drove us to pull THE GREAT GATSBY off the bookshelf and read what F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote of his protagonists, the Buchanans: "They were careless people, Tom and Daisy — they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made."
TREASURY SECRETARY HENRY PAULSON: We must now take further, decisive action to fundamentally and comprehensively address the root causes of our financial system's stresses.
BILL MOYERS: The news caught everyone off guard, including my colleagues and me. For technical reasons we had to record our broadcast last night, with guests who have a deep understanding of the big picture. We decided to go on with the broadcast even as the news continued to pile up, because of the light our guests shed on the roots of the crisis.
Gretchen Morgenson writes the MarketWatch column for the Sunday NEW YORK TIMES.
Floyd Norris is the paper's chief financial correspondent.
Welcome to the JOURNAL.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Default by the US government is no longer unthinkable
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Lehman Executives to get $2.5 billion in bonuses
Fury at $2.5bn Lehman bonus
Nomura and Barclays table bids today for US giant’s London operation as bank’s administrator likens collapse to Enron
STAFF at Lehman’s New York office who helped to cause the world’s biggest corporate bankruptcy are to share in a $2.5 billion bonanza.
The bonus, which has been described by London staff as a “scandal” has been pledged by Barclays Capital, the British-based bank that last week acquired Lehman’s American operation and took on 10,000 staff.
The $2.5 billion (£1.4 billion) pot, which has been ring-fenced as
Friday, September 19, 2008
TIME Magazine: Could McCain's Crusade Against Pork Backfire?
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Thursday, September 18, 2008
Republican Sen. Hagel Questions Palin's Experience!!
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Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Virginia Republican ex-Governor to Campaign for Obama
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Sunday, September 14, 2008
Alan Greenspan says US Can't Afford McCain Tax Cuts
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Friday, September 12, 2008 McCain-Palin Distorts Our Finding
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Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Palin Was a Director of Embattled Sen. Stevens's 527 Group
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Republicans destroying small towns and working class

This is taken from a Wall Street Journal opinion piece (which to my surprise is very critical of the Republicans). It points out the fact that Republicans have been hoodwinking "rural America" and working class people into voting for Republican policies which are actually hurting them and destroying their way of life:
For decades now we have been electing people like Sarah Palin who claimed to love and respect the folksy conservatism of small towns, and yet who have unfailingly enacted laws to aid the small town's mortal enemies.
Without raising an antitrust finger they have permitted fantastic concentration in the various industries that buy the farmer's crops. They have undone the New Deal system of agricultural price supports in favor of schemes called "Freedom to Farm" and loan deficiency payments -- each reform apparently designed to secure just one thing out of small town America: cheap commodities for the big food processors. Richard Nixon's Agriculture Secretary Earl Butz put the conservative attitude toward small farmers most bluntly back in the 1970s when he warned, "Get big or get out."
A few days ago I talked politics with Donn Teske, the president of the Kansas Farmers Union and a former Republican. Barack Obama may come from a big city, he admits, but the Farmers Union gives him a 100% rating for his votes in Congress. John McCain gets a 0%. "If any farmer in the Plains States looked at McCain's voting record on ag issues," Mr. Teske says, "no one would vote for him."
Now, Mr. McCain is known for his straight talk with industrial workers, telling them their jobs are never coming back, that the almighty market took them away for good, and that retraining is their only hope.
But he seems to think that small-town people can be easily played. Just choose a running mate who knows how to skin a moose and all will be forgiven. Drive them off the land, shutter their towns, toss their life chances into the grinders of big agriculture . . . and praise their values. The TV eminences will coo in appreciation of your in-touch authenticity, and the carnival will move on.
Palin asks Librarian about censorship and banning books
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Palin asked city librarian whether she'd ban books
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Newsweek: Judge warned Palin about 'emotional child abuse'
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14 Years of Republican MISrule is enough; Vote change/Democrat
Does the nation want change in Washington or more of the same, warmed over, failing Republican policies that have been dished out since 1994? This is the question that hopefully will be answered, clearly and correctly, in November with the national election.
We have been through 14 years of Republican misrule, corruption and a brittle, failed ideology. It started back in 1994 when the Republican party took control of Congress and began the ruinous path. By 2001 the Republicans had gained control of ALL THREE branches of the government – the White House, the Senate/House of Representatives and the Supreme Court. Then things really began to unravel: Enron, Worldcom, stock pricing scandals and other corporate bankruptcies; Merrill Lynch and stock broker scandals, accounting scandals; the strange power shortages in California and then the 9-11 attack. The war on terror followed, with the two mismanaged wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The mismanagement and incompetence resulted (finally) in the firings of Sec. of Defense Don Rumsfeld and CIA director George Tenet.
Presently, we are still in the midst of the Republican lobbying scandals. Big-time Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff has just been sentenced to an additional 4 years in prison. Former Republican Majority whip Tom Delay will go on trial in Texas for illegally receiving campaign donations. Republican Senator Ted Stevens will go on trial in October for not reporting gifts from a oil contractor. And Republican Representative Duke Cunningham sits in federal prison for taking bribes and kick backs from defense contractors. The list of greedy and fallen lawmakers in legal trouble goes on and on.
Let me stress that this coming election maybe the best hope for substantial change and reform in Washington in a generation. Broad and significant change, similar to the post-Nixon, post-Watergate reforms of the 1970’s, is badly needed. And this change cannot come soon enough. Another historic parallel: Nixon and George Bush have similarly low approval ratings.
The Republicans in Washington should be held accountable in November for their lies, failures and misdeeds as we, the people of this nation, go to vote. It is time to change the direction of the government and the direction of the country, toward a better future.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
The Politico: Koch backs Obama, calls Palin "Scary"
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Democrats Will Unseat at Least 5 Senate Republicans in 2008
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Monday, September 8, 2008
Media Ignores Massive Voter Purges by Republicans
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Boycott ABC's Interview of Palin
The "Queen Barracuda" Palin is demanding that ABC's Charlie Gibson meet with her in Alaska for the FIRST, virginal, interview - on her Alaskan turf. This is just more imperial Republican bullshit. In other words: The press is supposed to lick the boots of the candidate and be "deferential" and humble.
One wonders if the questions Palin is asked will be cherry-picked by her staff as well. Talking Points Memo is already calling the Palin interview a sham.
There is another good reason to boycott ABC News:
Remember the horrible "debate" that Gibson and George Step. moderated between Obama and Clinton?? The first 45 minutes of the debate was taken up with questions like: "Senator Obama, if you are really patriotic, why don't you wear an American flag lapel pin everyday?"
Oh, and more imperial Republican B.S.: Dick Cheney REALLY likes Palin!!!
Just don't watch the ABC interview!!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Sarah Palin, Marxist
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Palin's Small Alaska Town Secured Big Federal Funds
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Saturday, September 6, 2008
"Reformer" Palin Accepted Donations From Indicted Alaska Oil
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Friday, September 5, 2008
Todd Palin's business partner files to seal divorce papers
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Thursday, September 4, 2008
Out of Touch: Cindy McCain's Monday Outfit Cost $300,000
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McCain criticized earmarks from Palin
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Sarah Palin's Corrupt Mis-Management of Dairy in Alaska
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Palin's church says Jews deserve to be victims of terrorism
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Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Palin's Church: "Terrorism Against Jews is God's Judgment"
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Why The GOP Has No Clue That Their Convention Sucks
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In St. Paul, Mayor and Media Mum on Journalism Crackdown
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Monday, September 1, 2008
House Judiciary Hold Secret Talks On Miers Subpoena
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VP nom. Pallin's daughter pregnant: health insurance 4 baby
One of the first questions that came to my mind about this news (right after the question, Who is the father?), was Is Bristol insured for health coverage? Presumably she is covered by her parents health coverage. Second question, Is the baby covered by covered by someone's health insurance? And the third question, naturally, Does the unnamed father of the baby have health insurance which would cover the child?
Just curious...
Palin Fights Rumors, Announces that Her Daughter is Pregnant
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McCain Buckles to Far Right... Wanted to Pick Lieberman
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Saturday, August 30, 2008
Governor Palin: whose baby is it??
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John McCain's abysmal record of voting AGAINST our troops
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Three States Accused of Illegally Purging Voter Lists
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Profile: Sarah Palin
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Palin's "unbecoming" radio interview
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McCain Picking Palin: A question of judgment - The Boston Globe
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Friday, August 29, 2008
Governor Palin Has What it Takes to Be the Next Dick Cheney
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Robert J. Elisberg: The Worst Vice-Presidential Nominee in U.S. history
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Incredible! McCain VP Pick: AlreadySCANDAL-RIDDEN !
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Palin: For the Bridge to Nowhere.. Before She Was Against It
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Alaska's public safety Commissioner reprimanded 4 harrassment
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Cindy McCain's Half-Sister & Her Son: We're Voting For Obama!
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Thursday, August 28, 2008
Halliburton sued for human trafficking
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Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Bringing Baghdad to Denver Streets
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BREAKING: Harriet Miers Must Testify, Judge Says
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Monday, August 25, 2008
Sears On Life Support
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FOX NEWS - McCain not baptized and unsure of church...
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Sunday, August 24, 2008
One of Fournier's job options: McCain - Michael Calderone -
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MSM Finally Looks Into Cindy McCain's Family History/Fortune
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Saturday, August 23, 2008
Eight States Where the African-American Vote Will Change the
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Susan Eisenhower Leaves The Republican Party
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Anti-Obama 501(c)4 Funded By ONE Billionaire McCain Donor
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Is John McCain's principal foreign policy adviser a traitor?
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